Friday, November 12, 2010

TURDs and Taxes

The Bush era Tax cuts expire at the end of this year. Liberals and Conservatives cannot agree on whether to extend the cuts, and if extended, who the cuts would be extended for. I don't see how it can help the economy by raising personal income taxes for any group. Left leaning Democrats are upset the President Obama is open to negotiation for leaving the tax cuts in place for all income classes. They are afraid he might actually become a TURD for the rest of his term. Republicans want to increase tax cuts for every wage class. At a time when the government should be trimming the fat, they want to give the government even less to work with. Come on people, the highest earners already pay 96% of the personal income tax. How is it fair to increase that percentage? At the same time, government programs are already forced to eliminate essential services due to budget concerns. Let's not reduce taxes just for political gain.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

TURDs and the Vote

As much as it pains us to do so, we must get out and vote today. In many cases, we are forced to choose the lesser of two evils. In heavily conservative areas, this means we need to support the more liberal candidates. In left controlled areas, we will be voting to the right. It's too bad they don't have a box for "None of the Above". TURD headquarters is different from other party headquarters. There will be no celebrations when a candidate wins. TURDs are only going to celebrate when they see compromise. TURD does not believe pork is compromise. We have seen too many votes "bought" through promised Pork funding for individual states or districts. Let's find a middle ground on every issue. This country was founded on principles of fairness. Let's make things fair, but not cater to the vocal minority in order to appease them. TURD feels that an example is the over simplification of the separation of church and state. Much was made of the debacle last week when a candidate stated during a debate that the constitution never separated church and state. The candidate was blasted in the media, but this was actually true in purpose. The founding fathers did not believe religion should be completely removed from politics. In fact, the founding fathers all believed that religious values were necessary in order to ensure equality. The founding fathers did believe however, that government should not support a specific religion, or push religious ideals on the populace. But let's ask this question. Do you really think our founding fathers would be happy with the recent ruling that forced crosses to be removed that honored fallen highway patrol officers? This is why TURD thinks that this country has fallen into petty political fighting instead of focusing on helping the majority achieve success. Let's all get out and vote today. And remember, Do no harm.