Friday, November 12, 2010

TURDs and Taxes

The Bush era Tax cuts expire at the end of this year. Liberals and Conservatives cannot agree on whether to extend the cuts, and if extended, who the cuts would be extended for. I don't see how it can help the economy by raising personal income taxes for any group. Left leaning Democrats are upset the President Obama is open to negotiation for leaving the tax cuts in place for all income classes. They are afraid he might actually become a TURD for the rest of his term. Republicans want to increase tax cuts for every wage class. At a time when the government should be trimming the fat, they want to give the government even less to work with. Come on people, the highest earners already pay 96% of the personal income tax. How is it fair to increase that percentage? At the same time, government programs are already forced to eliminate essential services due to budget concerns. Let's not reduce taxes just for political gain.

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