Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The TURD is on!

I have been fascinated with the rise of the tea party and it's impact on the political fabric. While I truly don't believe in everything they stand for, I do understand the panic and frustration that inspired them to voice an opinion. I'm sure it is only a matter of time before the far-left liberals also form a "party". Now remember, this is an opinion and not based on any studies or hard facts.

The tea party was founded by extreme-right conservatives who felt that most republicans were moving to the left too much. I believe the far-left liberals will form a party because they believe that many democrats are becoming too conservative. Now, it might seem that this is a bad thing, and it probably will be in the short term, but I believe it will open the door for a third party. The TURD party, as it will come to be known, will be comprised of all those who think the far-left and extreme-right are crazy. The TURD party will become the party most of us will support. The TURD party will truly become the party of compromise and respect. Patriots and intelligent individuals will flock to the party.

Here is an example of something the TURD party would support.

Health care: - a creation of a health care system that combines the best of the free-market system as well as the idea that "God" wants us to take care of our brothers and sisters. In this scenario, business would receive tax breaks equal to the amount they spend on insurance for employees. There would be a limit on these tax breaks when they are considered to be over-insured. For those who are unemployed but not disabled, they would be entitled to government subsidized insurance as long as they were actively looking for work. For those who are too lazy to work, no insurance for you (but your kids would be covered.) We also need tort reform. If you are using someone else's money to purchase health care, you shouldn't be allowed to sue that same provider for millions. Actual and future damages only, no punitive. This would lower the cost of health care to the point that we could actually fund it. I'm sure there are some flaws in the plan, but the beauty of the TURD party is that these flaws would be addressed and a compromise would be made. Now, here is the most important part of the TURD party. Each and every bill would be on it's own. There would be no pork involved with the TURD party. Please let me know what you think.


  1. I hope so. I hope all of us can be true TURDs and help get this country back on track. This country was founded on compromise and now they can't even fart without a permit.
